Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is Technology

The general definition of technology is "the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry". However, for this class we use the definition "human made products and processes that extend human potential and satisfy human needs".

Examples of tech.

  • Smart phones
  • Cars
  • Computers
  • Pencil

Areas of tech

  • Physical-transportation, manufacturing, and construction
  • Info/communication-sending and recieving of information
  • Bio Related-prostetics, human safety devices, environment, etc.

Tech resources

  • Tools/machines/processes
  • Materials
  • People
  • Capital
  • Energy
  • Time
  • Information

Problem solving process

  • Identify problem
  • Set goals
  • Research
  • Create ideas
  • Select the best idea
  • Implement
  • Test
  • Feedback

Tech system models

  • Open-allows interaction with outside environment
  • Closed-no such interaction

Technology is a central part of everyday life in the period of exponential technology growth. I wake up on a bed, which is technology. I put on my clothes that were made through technological processes. I turn on the lights, which are technology as well. This continues throughout the day, I am almost constantly using some sort of technology  Technology gets me to school(cars), keeps me cool(AC), and and cooks my food(ovens). It also helps me live a healthy life through bio-medical advances. Simply put, technology affects nearly every aspect of my life. 

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