Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Popsicle Stick Bridge

Intro to Project
The purpose of this project was to build a trussed bridge out of 120 Popsicle stick that could hold as much weight as possible. It also had to be between 16-20 inches long and the sides had to each be at least 4 inches long.

Tech Concepts
For this 3rd project, we delved deeper into forces (compression, tension, torsion, and shear). Also we looked at the different types of bridges and the pros/cons for each of them. In the end we used a trussed bridge because it was the easiest to make and the easiest to build.

Learning Goals
The central learning goal in this project was that sometimes multiple tests aren't possible, so you have to think it thorough and do good on the first.

The Bridge
For our bridge, we decided to make our bridge as small as possible, so the sticks could be used for strength instead of for unnecessary length. We also decided upon focusing on making the sides as strong as possible, then making a strong bottom, then a decent top to hold it together. To make it we  first made the sides, then connected with the top then put sticks across the bottom. It worked very well, and held 165 lbs.

+ Feedback
I liked this project a lot, although not quite as much as the MPV. Putting together the bridge proved a difficult challenge, but once we got it, it was very rewarding. It was highly important to build it exact, everything needed to line up. IT was tons of fun, and the best part was testing it with the weights instead of the bridge tester.

If we had to do the project over again, there is absolutely nothing that I would change. Our bridge worked very well and held the most weight in the class.

Tech resources
In this project we used technological resources such as
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time Information

  • Biggest Challenge
    Our biggest challenge was figuring how to best put together the bridge, we knew that if it was poorly constructed then no matter how good our design was then it would perform poorly.

    What Was Learned
    In this project we learned about the different types of bridges, their pros and cons, and when each of them would be used.

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