Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Class Summary

This was by far my favorite class this trimester. It was very hands on and at the same time I was able to learn a lot. My biggest complaint would be all of the paperwork. I spent as much time working on unnecessary paperwork that I felt did little to enhance my learning experience. Other than that the class was structure great, with a good progression of projects.
Of the 3 main projects that we did, my favorite was definitely the mouse-trap powered vehicle. The design process was open ended with a simple goal, and there was plenty of time to fine tune our vehicle. But I feel as if the MPV project could be improved in the future by giving the students better mousetraps, the mousetrap the me and Michael Chen were given was not nearly powerful enough for our origonal design, and so we had to scrap it and start again.

This class has taught me much about technology and building. I learned much about the design process, trial and error, and testing. I also learned about the various tools and machines we used, like the chop saw and belt sander. In the future I can use these skills as a possible career, or even if I need to make something at home. I am glad that I took this class and look forward to taking other classes in this series in the future.

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