Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Intro to project
the purpose of this project was to make a catapult capable of launching as far as possible as well as being able to shoot fairly accurately over a distance of about 20 feet. It was also required to have a release mechanism.

Tech concepts
For this project we used tech concepts such as potential energy and force

Learning goals
The learning goal of this project was to learn how to quickly plan a project with specific requirements, like being able to fit within a standard piece of paper, and using basic materials make the project and test extensively.

The catapult
For our catapult, we decided to make a long thin arm with the axis point at one end in order to get the arm to move with the most speed and force. We also based the body out of a rectangular prisim because it was very easy to make and change later if necessary. We were able to stretch the rubber bands far, and hold the arm in place with our locking mechanism. It was very easy to release as well, and launched the marshmallows very far and accurately.

Positive feedback
This was a great first project for the class. It was fairly simple to come up with an idea, however making it required more work than in the previous class. It was fun using the different power tools.

If we were to do the project over again, we would have made a better system for judging distance, maybe by making markings along the two columns

Tech resources
In this project we used technological resources such as

Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge in this project was getting the catapult to launch at about a 45 degree angle in order to launch the farthest. To solve this we simply raised the front end

What was learned
We learned about potential energy, force, angles, and how to extensively test

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