Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hover craft

Intro to project
The challenge for this project was to make a hovercraft. There were no other restraints given, and no other information given.

Tech concepts
In this project we used tech concepts such as density, air pressure,, hover distance,and horsepower

Learning goals
The main learning goal in this project was to design the project ourselves and to set restraints on ourselves in order for it to be feasible. We also had to work extremely fast in order to finish by the end of the trimester.

The hovercraft
We decided to make our hovercraft circular instead of in the shape of a square as the other groups were doing. This ended up being to our advantage as the forces were spread more evenly upon the plywood base, which allowed ours to not crack like the other groups'. We started by making the plywood base. then cutting a hole in it for the leaf blower. After that we cut the holes in the plastic bottom, and attached it to the plywood with strong staples and duct tape. Finally we attached a smaller wooden circle to the bottom, making the plastic inflate like a donut rather than a dome.

Positive feedback
I liked this project very much. It was nice to work on such a large project after the CO2 cars. Also, it is much more satisfying to say that I made a hovercraft than a small wooden catapult.

If we got the chance to do the project over again, we most likely would have added something to propel along the ground. Other than that, we simply would have taken more time and made it with higher quality

Tech resources
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time
  • Information

Biggest challenges
The biggest challenge in the project was attaching the plastic to the bottom of the hovercraft. The trouble was in keeping it taught enough that it didn't over inflate, but loose enough that it still inflated. We solved this by having Chris hold the plastic tight as I stapled.

What was learned
In this project I learned even more how to research extensively, sort through the pssoble online instructions to find the best, and keep in mind how feasible the project was in terms of materials, work, and time.

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