Thursday, November 14, 2013


Intro to Project
The purpose of the project was to make a seismograph capable of detecting small and large tremors made by shaking a table. There were no size or material restraints.

Tech Concepts
For this project we used tech concepts like inertia for the measuring of movements. 

Learning goals
The learning goal of this project was how best to make something with no requirements, only an end goal.

The Seismograph
For our seismograph, we decided to make the arm long so it would be able to make small detections. We therefore made the whole project long and heavy so only our extended arm would move in relation to the table. It worked decently, but because there was roughly equal weight on the front and back of the arm, it didn't move as much as we'd wanted it to.

+ Feedback
This was a good project to do, although not as good as the others. As the trimester has gone on they have become more and more open ended, and this is by far the most open. However, there wasn't much creativity involved in designing and it was relatively easy to build.

If we were to do the project over we would make the arm shorter and more sensitive by putting the weight mostly in the front of the arm.

Tech resources
In this project we used technological resources such as
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time Information

  • Biggest Challenge
    Our biggest challenge was balancing the weight so the arm moves smoothly. We solved this by adding large binder clips to the back end of the arm, evening out the weight

    What Was Learned
    We learned about the Richter Scale, how seismographs work, and how inertia affects seismographs.

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