Thursday, March 6, 2014

Problems in Tech Summary

This class was surprisingly educational, much more than the first part. I think that this is due to the structure of the class, which is much more relaxed. Although I didn't always work my hardest because of this, i feel as if it made for a much better learning environment. However, sometimes there was too much freedom and others went completely off of topic, distracting others such as myself. Still, this was rarely a problem. Also, I greatly enjoyed the independence in the projects themselves, there was much less restriction on what we couldn't do and this allowed me to think more creatively and come up with unique ideas. For example, in the catapult project the only restraints were the maximum size of the body and the maximum length of the arm. Because of this, me and my partner used a design that no one else did. Speaking of partners, the amount of teamwork required in the class was much higher. In Intro to Tech, the projects were easy enough that they could be completed with only one partner working. but in this trimester, if i had worked like that i wouldn't have been able to finish any of the projects. Overall, this was an amazing class in which I learned a great deal, and I can't wait to take Engineering in Tech.

Hover craft

Intro to project
The challenge for this project was to make a hovercraft. There were no other restraints given, and no other information given.

Tech concepts
In this project we used tech concepts such as density, air pressure,, hover distance,and horsepower

Learning goals
The main learning goal in this project was to design the project ourselves and to set restraints on ourselves in order for it to be feasible. We also had to work extremely fast in order to finish by the end of the trimester.

The hovercraft
We decided to make our hovercraft circular instead of in the shape of a square as the other groups were doing. This ended up being to our advantage as the forces were spread more evenly upon the plywood base, which allowed ours to not crack like the other groups'. We started by making the plywood base. then cutting a hole in it for the leaf blower. After that we cut the holes in the plastic bottom, and attached it to the plywood with strong staples and duct tape. Finally we attached a smaller wooden circle to the bottom, making the plastic inflate like a donut rather than a dome.

Positive feedback
I liked this project very much. It was nice to work on such a large project after the CO2 cars. Also, it is much more satisfying to say that I made a hovercraft than a small wooden catapult.

If we got the chance to do the project over again, we most likely would have added something to propel along the ground. Other than that, we simply would have taken more time and made it with higher quality

Tech resources
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time
  • Information

Biggest challenges
The biggest challenge in the project was attaching the plastic to the bottom of the hovercraft. The trouble was in keeping it taught enough that it didn't over inflate, but loose enough that it still inflated. We solved this by having Chris hold the plastic tight as I stapled.

What was learned
In this project I learned even more how to research extensively, sort through the pssoble online instructions to find the best, and keep in mind how feasible the project was in terms of materials, work, and time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Aero dynamics

Intro to Project
The purpose of this project was to make a wooden CO2 powered car that can go 20 meters in the shortest time. The car had to be less than 12 inches long.

Tech concepts
In this project we dealt with tech concepts such as dynamic pressure, drag, lift, and thrust. The lower the drag and lift the faster the car moved. The thrust was provided by the CO2 car and was held uniform

Learning goals
The main learning goal of this project was to do independent research and think out the design of our cars before we started.

The car
Our CO2 car was cut from a piece of 2x4. We based the design off of race cars, making it angled and smooth with enough weight in the back. Our first attempt broke as we were drilling the final hole for the CO2 cartridge, and so we had to quickly make a 2nd one. The second didn't turn out quite as well, but still performed nicely. However, during our 2nd race one of the hooks came off of the line so it spun out.

Positive feedback
I liked this project, although not as much as the first. I feel as if too much time was spent on the first project which didn't give us enough time on this project. There wasn't really a way to test much until the final racing by when it's too late

If we were to redo this project, we would make our car much lighter. In the class competition, it was the lightest and not necessarily most aerodynamic cars that performed the best. The weight could be taken off in width as well as height

Tech Resources
In this project we used these tech resource
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time
  •  Information

Biggest challenges
The biggest challenge of this project was trying to quickly make our car after shattering the first one, we only had two days to make the second.

What was learned
Me and my partner learned learned this project how to think through our design before working, and having to have more precision than in previous projects.


Intro to project
the purpose of this project was to make a catapult capable of launching as far as possible as well as being able to shoot fairly accurately over a distance of about 20 feet. It was also required to have a release mechanism.

Tech concepts
For this project we used tech concepts such as potential energy and force

Learning goals
The learning goal of this project was to learn how to quickly plan a project with specific requirements, like being able to fit within a standard piece of paper, and using basic materials make the project and test extensively.

The catapult
For our catapult, we decided to make a long thin arm with the axis point at one end in order to get the arm to move with the most speed and force. We also based the body out of a rectangular prisim because it was very easy to make and change later if necessary. We were able to stretch the rubber bands far, and hold the arm in place with our locking mechanism. It was very easy to release as well, and launched the marshmallows very far and accurately.

Positive feedback
This was a great first project for the class. It was fairly simple to come up with an idea, however making it required more work than in the previous class. It was fun using the different power tools.

If we were to do the project over again, we would have made a better system for judging distance, maybe by making markings along the two columns

Tech resources
In this project we used technological resources such as

Biggest challenge
The biggest challenge in this project was getting the catapult to launch at about a 45 degree angle in order to launch the farthest. To solve this we simply raised the front end

What was learned
We learned about potential energy, force, angles, and how to extensively test

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Class Summary

This was by far my favorite class this trimester. It was very hands on and at the same time I was able to learn a lot. My biggest complaint would be all of the paperwork. I spent as much time working on unnecessary paperwork that I felt did little to enhance my learning experience. Other than that the class was structure great, with a good progression of projects.
Of the 3 main projects that we did, my favorite was definitely the mouse-trap powered vehicle. The design process was open ended with a simple goal, and there was plenty of time to fine tune our vehicle. But I feel as if the MPV project could be improved in the future by giving the students better mousetraps, the mousetrap the me and Michael Chen were given was not nearly powerful enough for our origonal design, and so we had to scrap it and start again.

This class has taught me much about technology and building. I learned much about the design process, trial and error, and testing. I also learned about the various tools and machines we used, like the chop saw and belt sander. In the future I can use these skills as a possible career, or even if I need to make something at home. I am glad that I took this class and look forward to taking other classes in this series in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Intro to Project
The purpose of the project was to make a seismograph capable of detecting small and large tremors made by shaking a table. There were no size or material restraints.

Tech Concepts
For this project we used tech concepts like inertia for the measuring of movements. 

Learning goals
The learning goal of this project was how best to make something with no requirements, only an end goal.

The Seismograph
For our seismograph, we decided to make the arm long so it would be able to make small detections. We therefore made the whole project long and heavy so only our extended arm would move in relation to the table. It worked decently, but because there was roughly equal weight on the front and back of the arm, it didn't move as much as we'd wanted it to.

+ Feedback
This was a good project to do, although not as good as the others. As the trimester has gone on they have become more and more open ended, and this is by far the most open. However, there wasn't much creativity involved in designing and it was relatively easy to build.

If we were to do the project over we would make the arm shorter and more sensitive by putting the weight mostly in the front of the arm.

Tech resources
In this project we used technological resources such as
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time Information

  • Biggest Challenge
    Our biggest challenge was balancing the weight so the arm moves smoothly. We solved this by adding large binder clips to the back end of the arm, evening out the weight

    What Was Learned
    We learned about the Richter Scale, how seismographs work, and how inertia affects seismographs.

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013

    Popsicle Stick Bridge

    Intro to Project
    The purpose of this project was to build a trussed bridge out of 120 Popsicle stick that could hold as much weight as possible. It also had to be between 16-20 inches long and the sides had to each be at least 4 inches long.

    Tech Concepts
    For this 3rd project, we delved deeper into forces (compression, tension, torsion, and shear). Also we looked at the different types of bridges and the pros/cons for each of them. In the end we used a trussed bridge because it was the easiest to make and the easiest to build.

    Learning Goals
    The central learning goal in this project was that sometimes multiple tests aren't possible, so you have to think it thorough and do good on the first.

    The Bridge
    For our bridge, we decided to make our bridge as small as possible, so the sticks could be used for strength instead of for unnecessary length. We also decided upon focusing on making the sides as strong as possible, then making a strong bottom, then a decent top to hold it together. To make it we  first made the sides, then connected with the top then put sticks across the bottom. It worked very well, and held 165 lbs.

    + Feedback
    I liked this project a lot, although not quite as much as the MPV. Putting together the bridge proved a difficult challenge, but once we got it, it was very rewarding. It was highly important to build it exact, everything needed to line up. IT was tons of fun, and the best part was testing it with the weights instead of the bridge tester.

    If we had to do the project over again, there is absolutely nothing that I would change. Our bridge worked very well and held the most weight in the class.

    Tech resources
    In this project we used technological resources such as
  • Tools
  • Machines
  • People
  • Energy
  • Time Information

  • Biggest Challenge
    Our biggest challenge was figuring how to best put together the bridge, we knew that if it was poorly constructed then no matter how good our design was then it would perform poorly.

    What Was Learned
    In this project we learned about the different types of bridges, their pros and cons, and when each of them would be used.